Top Reasons Why You Need A Neck Specialist Doctor

Neck pain is a common health problem that affects millions of people in the United States. It can be triggered by everyday activities and is caused by a misalignment of neck bones and muscles. Although there are many treatments for neck pain, see your doctor diagnose the cause and learn treatment options. Here are some of the top reasons why you need a neck specialist doctor, who specializes in treating people with neck pain.

Symptoms of Neck Pain

Neck pain can occur following a single traumatic event or it can be the result of wear and tear. Symptoms may include headaches, stiffness in the neck, loss of strength in the neck muscles, and weakness in the arms. Neck pain may also radiate to the shoulder or down into the arm, making it difficult to move your hands. If left untreated, neck pain can lead to serious health conditions like muscle spasms, nerve compression, and stroke.

You need a specialist doctor who specializes in treating people with neck pain to find out why you’re experiencing these symptoms. If a major cause is detected early on, then treatment options will depend on what caused the condition- for example, if trauma was involved then physical therapy may be appropriate while steroid injections may be needed if nerve compression is responsible.

What a Neck Specialist Doctor Can Do for You

A neck specialist doctor can provide relief from pain and discomfort by using various treatments, including cervical traction, muscle relaxers, massage, acupuncture, physical therapy, and medication. Your doctor will also perform a thorough examination of your neck to determine the cause of your pain. Oftentimes, a neck specialist doctor will discover other underlying problems with your spine or shoulders that are contributing to your pain.

Neck pain can be caused by many different things such as:

  • Sleeping on your stomach for a long time
  • Carrying heavy objects for too long
  • Sitting in one position for extended periods of time
  • An accident or fall that causes direct trauma to the shoulder or head
  • Whiplash from an automobile accident
  • Lifestyle factors such as smoking and obesity

All these things put stress on the neck and cause it to hurt. A neck specialist doctor who specializes in treating people with neck pain will help you find relief from the symptoms and know what caused it so you can reduce future occurrences.

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